scalar - meaning and definition. What is scalar
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What (who) is scalar - definition

Scalars; Scalar quantity; Scalar quantities; Scalar (disambiguation); Scalar value

1. <mathematics> A single number, as opposed to a vector or matrix of numbers. Thus, for example, "scalar multiplication" refers to the operation of multiplying one number (one scalar) by another and is used to contrast this with "matrix multiplication" etc. 2. <architecture> In a parallel processor or {vector processor}, the "scalar processor" handles all the sequential operations - those which cannot be parallelised or vectorised. See also superscalar. 3. <programming> Any data type that stores a single value (e.g. a number or Boolean), as opposed to an aggregate data type that has many elements. A string is regarded as a scalar in some languages (e.g. Perl) and a vector of characters in others (e.g. C). (2002-06-12)
·noun In the quaternion analysis, a quantity that has magnitude, but not direction;
- distinguished from a vector, which has both magnitude and direction.
Scalar (physics)         
Scalar quantity (physics)
In physics, scalars (or scalar quantities) are physical quantities that are unaffected by changes to a vector space basis (i.e.



Scalar may refer to:

  • Scalar (mathematics), an element of a field, which is used to define a vector space, usually the field of real numbers
  • Scalar (physics), a physical quantity that can be described by a single element of a number field such as a real number
    • Lorentz scalar, a quantity in the theory of relativity which is invariant under a Lorentz transformation
    • Pseudoscalar, a quantity that behaves like a scalar, except that it changes sign under a parity inversion
  • Scalar (computing), any non-composite value
  • Scalar boson, in physics, a boson subatomic particle whose spin equals zero
Pronunciation examples for scalar
1. Every time I want to know about scalar, the scalar
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2. They are all scalar functions.
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3. of what we call scalar functions, which
Dyalog Modern Programming Language _ Morten Kromberg _ Talks at Google
4. Not everything is a scalar function.
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5. We didn't do super scalar on ARM10.
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